More exciting things: Tonight Danny and I will be at the Last Thursday Art walk on Alberta St in Portland OR. We will have our full booth set up selling original paintings, tie-dye, prints, screen prints and more. Come check us out, our things will be on SALE!
And we have a new item to introduce:
The Green Man
Printed in green on white t-shirt
Original artwork by Chelsea Rose
Currently we have 1 Medium and an XL left
However, custom orders are welcome, just send me an email: or contact me Via with an alchemy order request.
Speaking of the green man, look what I found:
This photo is up on the Long Beach CA art walk website.
take a look:
…. brings back lovely memories. It was taken during my first time vending at the Long Beach art walk in 08. This painting was commissioned by a dear dear friend and in exchange he gave me my first tattoo. I may be holding onto this painting for him because he is fleeing the city life to live for some time in an RV on some lush land in i will be able to take some nice high quality pictures of the finished piece when i get it back! Its going to be so great having him only a few hours away vs all the way in another state! i cant wait for all these things to come into seems since winter has melted away there has been a burst of new happenings/changes/opportunity and it is indeed a breath of fresh air.
....and look, me before dread locks!
As far as everything else goes, I am ok and still hanging in there. Spring is in full bloom and its lovely and look, my wildflower seeds and begun to bloom:
I bought some wildflower seeds from the 99 cent store...they are startin to push up now! in the bigger pot i planted some bulbs and they are just beginning to break the surface. truthfully i dont know what to expect from these little guys so i guess its going to be a surprise when they grow tall enough to bloom.
and meet my faithful patio Gnome...he has done a great job with overseeing the various patio activities/festivities be it keeping a watchful eye on my sprouts to guarding our territory from curious tomcats looking for mischief!
More randomness: here is a shot of my kitchen window, adorned with my small collection of antique bottles:
i love bottles. I once had a great many more then what you see here but after moving so many times you tend to try and lessen the burden of Stuff and Things.
yay for bottles of potion and majick, yay for bottles of herbals and perfume, yay for bottles sporting delicate labels that read "Drink me" and yay for the way they glow so elegantly in cool window light.
Extra randombess: This is what my hands normally look like:
…I really don’t mind it but it certainly throws people for a loop. I suppose its hard to blend into a stuffy office building when my hands are multi colored and all my clothes have some amount of paint on them, oh well! I have been pretty good at hiding my hands from the boss man. Whats really funny is going to the market and watching people get really creeped out over the fact that you are touching food they might buy with multi-color hands. when in actuality my hands are probably cleaner then everyone’s since i spend much time, each day scrubbing and soaking and wringing and washing out dyed fabrics. my hands get so chapped! it cant be good to absorb all this dye through my hands though...i just HATE latex gloves...
Anyhow, that’s all I got for now. I will keep in touch!
-Chelsea Rose