Monday, January 31, 2011

New painting in the works plus painting time lapse video

So this weekend was great! Had the chance to meet up with a lot of lovely artistic minds and so I am all fired up and excited about new connections forged and the possibility of lots of awesome artistic collaborations in the near future. woohooo!
Meanwhile i got some work done on a new painting:
work in progress
work in progress painting on a 14" x 14" canvas
and i am super excited to share my first ever blog video! Its a time lapse of me working on the painting above. check it out:

We also shot video of Danny doing an Ebru( turkish papermarbling) session this weekend. Its being edited and when its all done i will be very happy to share it with you! We are thinking about making our own lil youtube channel for Lucid Optic Lab. The video quality isn't amazing but its really not bad at all considering we are using an IPod to record these!

And here is a cozy shot from home sweet home:
home sweet home
hanging out in the rockin chair with sushi cat. one of the less crowded stretches of wall in our apartment. running out of wall space rapidly!

How was your weekend? Any fun projects?

Peace n Love,
-Chelsea Rose
Lucid Optic Lab
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Eternal Canvas a short story by Chelsea Rose

Happy Friday all.
For the first time on my blog I am going to share a short fiction story I wrote.
I am particpating in a fiction writing party a friend of mine holds once a month on her blog. The offical blog party begins on Sunday but seeing that i beleive i wont have much time to access the computer over the weekend i figured i would go ahead and post it today. Anyhoo, for those who enjoy reading please feel free and do let me know your thoughts!
Speical thanks to my writing buddies Sara and Michelle for making a few much needed swipes through with their red markers. Much love!

"Eternal Canvas"
a short fiction story by Chelsea Rose Rippel

Tattered sleeves whisked wildly as the fringed and ragged hair of the paint brush swirled its color leaving a torrential vomit of rainbow in its wake. The canvas was shadowed here and there by a looming figure so alive with energy the room radiated and glowed in the strange wafting warmth emitted. Yes, there she stood, her head cocked ever so to the right, pale lips parted, blood shot eyes intent yet soft focused on the canvas as she watched in her own fevered way the delicate bones, joints and sinuses of her hand weave strange and wondrous worlds. Each of her smoldering paint strokes focused the inexplicable webbing of truth that gathered at times like these as buds of daggered lightning, alighting from somewhere above, or was it in-between? It had always funneled this way, where ever it came from, straight into that whirling vein of energy that taped deep into the membrane of her crown. These spasms were impossible to ignore as they punctured and reverberated deep within that mysterious gland, always resting in its nest of brain matter, cozy in its den smack dab in the middle of her forehead, the location of what the ancient shamans deemed The Third Eye...
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Print release, new WC paintings and news

Hello All,

I just released 3 more of my 1st edition 4"x 6" art prints for sale on etsy from the Goddess In All of Us body art series. Check it out:

Queen Omega
Goddess In All of Us body art photograph
Queen Omega
By Chelsea Rose
4" x 6"
First Edition fine art print on photo paper, sealed in a crystal clear archival envelope.
signed by the artist
On sale now for $10 here.

Queen Bead
Goddess In All of Us body art photograph
By Chelsea Rose
4" x 6"
First Edition fine art print on photo paper, sealed in a crystal clear archival envelope.
signed by the artist
On sale now for $10 here.

Wise Woman
Goddess In All of Us body art photograph
Wise Woman
By Chelsea Rose
4" x 6"
First Edition fine art print on photo paper, sealed in a crystal clear archival envelope.
signed by the artist
On sale now for $10 here.

.....I have 20 or so left of these 4"x 6" 1st edition prints that i intend to slowly release for sale online. So there is more to come!

In other news, this weekend was a nice one spent relaxing at home watching Samurai 7 (the old black and white movie and then the new anime version also.) We did some watercolor painting, took a nice hike in the local woods, baked some home made samosas, went out to lunch for Tom Kha soup with our friend Dr Bob, worked on more art get the idea! Still, the weekend somehow seemed short.

here are a couple scans of the watercolor fun:
3rd Eye Navigation
3rd Eye Navigation
4" x 6"
original watercolor painting
by Chelsea Rose

4" x 6"
original watercolor painting
by Chelsea Rose

I am also working on a short story to submit to a fiction writing blog party a friend of mine does once a month. You are supposed to submit one story 2,000 words or less by emailing her a link to where you posted it so that she can feature the writing on her blog along with the other participants. This is just what i need to keep myself writing. Deadlines actually do help sometimes! I have my story all written out but I am still over the word limit by a couple hundred so i am looking to trim it down. i will be posting it once its all done. Content hint: my story is based in a post apocalyptic society with an accidental hero that remakes the fate of the world through her painting. I hope it isn't a snooze! You ll tell me the truth, wont you?

I am also pretty close to being done with crafting a publishing proposal/cover letter to send off to a few publishing companies that i have in mind. I would love to get my Goddess In All of Us body art photography book picked up by someone like Chronicles books but i cant wait for that to happen, i have to seek them out myself.
In the meantime i have been submitting my Goddess In All of Us series to local art galleries in Portland Oregon. I have gotten back some very encouraging responses however most of the galleries seem to already be booked through all of 2011 and a lot of 2012. Im also going to begin approaching out of state galleries but it does seem that Goddess shows will have to be a thing of the future. Wish me luck!

So thats whats up in my current realm of existence.
Much love and many blessings,
-Chelsea Rose
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Psychic Eye painting, new silkscreen shirts, ribbon dreads, apron

Lots of new stuff to show off this morning.

Firstly, i finished a painting over the weekend:
Psychic Eye
Psychic Eye
14" x 14"
original acrylic painting on canvas
by Chelsea Rose

Also listed two new Lucid Optic Lab creations:
Perception Mandala silkscreen print shirt
New silkscreen print shirt!
Purple Perception Mandala silkscreen print
hand designed, hand printed

Women's long sleeve shirt
92% cotton
8% spandex
size Medium
Bust 30"
selling for $20 here.

Evolve Mushroom silkscreen print shirt
Evolve Mushroom silkscreen print
hand designed, hand printed

Women's stretchy long sleeve shirt
95% cotton
5% spandex
Size XL
Bust: 39" un stretched
selling for $20 here.

I also wanted to show my new dreadly adornments:
Ribbon dread
Over the weekend i tied in some green and purple ribbons. Now that i have added in those psychedelic wool dreads + ribbons and beads I am really starting to feel they are extensions of my spirit. I had kept them plain for a long time so that they could be considered acceptable at work but i found 90% of the time i was wrapping them up so they were out of sight anyway. So i decided to go ahead and start adorning my locks. I feel they are becoming a thing of art, which i love and can truly feel with my soul!

In other news, check out my new apron:
New apron
My dear friend Dr.Bob kindly sewed it up for me. It was made from a vintage dress i found at the goodwill bins awhile ago. Strangely enough this is my first apron. Wearing an apron while painting was something i hadn't considered doing until recently when i realized that everything i owed has some amount of paint on it which was making it very hard to dress for work. I knew i wouldn't actually use apron unless it would be interesting enough for me to want to wear it. I think this apron is the one! I have it hung right before my painting table so that i have to walk by it to get to my easel. lets see if i can manage to remember to wear it!

So thats all the "newness" i have for you this Monday morning.

However, today is Marten Luther King Jr day. On the way to work I was listening to the DemocracyNow broadcast( listen to it here ) in which they were doing a special focusing on his anti war, anti violence and anti profiteering stance. Many of his words which he spoke about Vietnam are still extremely relevant to today's world affairs. I especially enjoyed a quote he recited during his "Beyond Vietnam" speech:

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK

Peace n Love,
-Chelsea Rose
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Goddess Body Art photo prints for sale plus hike into the forest with new dready roots

Goddess art prints for sale
Can I Interest you in one of these, perhaps?

Goddess art prints
I have a whole box of em, see?

I intend to slowly list 3 a week for sale in our etsy store.
$10 each. they are First Limited edition prints signed by me on the back! Sealed in a removable crystal clear archival envelope for protection.

So far i have listed the following two for sale:

Your Body is Your Temple
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose)
4"x6" signed print on sale for $10 here.

Apparition of Truth
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose)
4"x6" signed print on sale for $10 here.

Onto other news....
I didn't do much on the productive side this weekend other then take some of product photos above of my prints. But i did get a lot of exercise. I went on a 4.6 mile hike up into the mountains to visit some of the amazing water falls! see?
Triple Falls
( photo by Lucid Optic Lab )
triple falls Lucid Optic Lab

Also my dread lock birth month is January. They will be two years old on the 25th so I splurged and bought some hand made wool dreads to add in for more length and interest. Here some more photos of em:

Triple falls, dread falls
( photos by Lucid Optic Lab )
They were lovingly hand made and customized by The Dread Goddess herself who has a shop on etsy at Check it out!

So thats about it for now. They say its going to snow tomorrow. We shall see.
How was your weekend? any adventures?

Best wishes,
-Chelsea Rose
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Friday, January 7, 2011

New Pen and Ink drawings

Hello all,

I have been getting back into the habit of drawing and wanted to share with you these two new pen and ink illustrations I did this week:
Alien or Angel?
(original pen and ink drawing by Chelsea Rose)

Bulb Goddess
(original pen and ink drawing by Chelsea Rose)

With the cold and darkness of winter it seems I have fallen into a bit if a routine involving a lot of time cuddled up on the couch with my cat, my man, my sketch book and movies. Although recently I have been watching not much else other then episodes of Doctor Quinn Medicine woman( I love that show! I am so glad i can get the episode discs from netflix), Full Metal Alchemist( such a strange story line!) and X files( of course.) Recently I have found that i feel a lot less guilty about sitting around on my rump so much if i happen to be doing some drawing at the same time. So yes, I am sure there will be more drawings soon enough.

I was looking through some pictures files the other day and came across this photo:
window into summer2010
This was taken during last summer. Right-now in winter with all this cold and dark it is strange to realize only a few months ago our lil patch of world was so much hotter and brighter. The weather report claims snow for Tuesday and Wednesday, we shall see about that.

Anyhow, I cant even begin to tell you how thankful i am that its Friday.

Do enjoy the weekend.

Much love,
-Chelsea Rose
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Monday, January 3, 2011

A peak into the Art Room and Projects in the Works

Happy New Year!

I am doing my best to channel my Solstice/ New Year faery guide, The Master Maker who warns that in this new year creative problem solving is required of me and that I must do whatever I do as well as I can. And then make it even better. The Master Maker reminds me that my very best work is always desirable, and in the present situation, it is necessary for success.

So, over the holiday weekend I enjoyed using the time to work on projects:

psychic eye- work in progress
this is a 14" x 14" acrylic painting i am working on. May still change the direction of some of the coloring and shapes. We shall see!

Danny was also busy working on a new art project:
Ganesh screen
He is hand painting a new screen for a new ebru/screen print project.
This screen will print the outline of this design.

So there is your peak into our messy lil art room.
How was your New Years? What tone and intentions have you set forth?

Much love and many blessings always,
-Chelsea Rose
Lucid Optic Lab
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