I wish I had more photos and things to share but we have been so busy there hasn't been much time for documenting all the happenings.
I did manage to scan a new drawing of mine:
"Mistress and the Orb"
original pen and ink drawing by Chelsea Rose
and then I have some exciting news!
Danny and I went to the closing night of the Portland Love Show and were thrilled when we realized that his Ganesha piece sold!
Here he is standing with his sold art piece: Ganesha two layer Ebru(Turkish paper marbling) silkscreen mono print
We were lucky enough to meet the purchasers and they were very kind, sweet people.
The support is very inspiring :)
In other news, we are busily preparing for the SE art walk coming up this weekend! We will be in The GalleryHomeland building along with 30+ artists. We are sharing the space, some of us downstairs, some in the lobby, we are in the upstairs area( so far as i know.) I was up until about 1:30am last night doing a mock vending booth setup in our living room so we would know what our plan of attack is, what is still needed...stuff like that. We still have some printing/packaging that needs to be done but I THINK thats about it. I am very excited to participate in this- its my first time. More updates on all this soon.
How was your weekend? Keepin busy?
Much love,
-Chelsea Rose