Monday, August 29, 2011

Finished painting: Promise Of Healing and weekend pics of art vending

I feel a strong pull in my life right now centering around transformation. The winds of change have recently made me gut my art room and turn my dining room into my new working studio. At first I wasn't thrilled about the idea. Having a dedicated room for art had its perks: it was so much easier to make a big art mess and then have a room to hide it in when i needed a break. However it was too easy to forget about my art projects. Now that my creative work space is out in the open again i cant ignore my half finished paintings because they stare me in the face! Thus, since relocating my creative space i have noticed a sudden burst of productivity and I am thankful for it.

I wanted to share my newly finished painting:
The Prophetess of Healing
"The Promise of Healing"
original acrylic painting by Chelsea Rose
This painting is a reminder that often not fire/pain/destruction play a part in the healing process.

In other news, its been a hot couple of weeks but we have been enjoying some fun and successful days down at the Portland Saturday Market sellin our art.
Here are a few photos from this past weekend:
Portland Saturday Market Booth
Portland Saturday Market

...Thats it for now folks. Stay tuned, im starting up a new mermaid painting!
Love and Light,
-Chelsea Rose
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Chapter 13 of the Skeleton Key a Blogvel

I had a lot of fun participating in my friend Michelle Simpkin's Round Robin Blogvel, The Skeleton Key. Blogvel you ask? Its a short novel written on the web via a multitude of authors. You can find all the authors, their blogs and their chapters here. I was assigned chapter 13. Tighty Writie is up next!

Chapter 13 of the Skeleton Key. Please click the "read more" button below:
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Friday, August 19, 2011

Birthday Excursion into the woods with paint

So, you may or may not have noticed that i have been rather quiet this month. Truth is its my Birthday month so i have been more introspective with my goals centering more so around relaxation and personal time. Yes, the art has suffered a bit...but I have managed to spend some time on my current painting in the works and i am seriously about 20 mins away from finishing it! So i will be sharing photos of that soon.

My 24th birthday was on Monday and i decided to take a few days off from work and get away from the city. So my better half and I ran off to the southern Oregon woods of wolf creek to visit with my big bro Wonder in his most amazing patch of forest. We had a splendid time spent hangin out, swimin in fresh mountain water, eating yummy food, star gazing, story tellin and...painting!
Harpy's Golden egg - coop mural in wolf creek oregon
Wonder and Tinker have a full attic of art supply goodies and they had the great idea to paint thier newly fashioned chicken coop. It was decided that I would paint a harpy laying a golden egg.
Harpy's Golden egg - coop mural in wolf creek oregon

Danny helped out by painting a "GanEGGsha"
chicken coop See? its Ganesha holding golden eggs.
painting the chicken coop
Here we all are during various stages of the creative process. Wonder was painting a eggy hobbit riddle that went something like "A box without hinges, keys or lid yet golden treasure inside is hid?"

Anyhoo! I had a wonderful time and want to run away and live in the woods forever.

More updates soon.
Love and Light,
-Chelsea Rose
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