With my art show at Future Shock coming to an end as the month of September culminates, I felt a live body painting session inside the gallery amidst my art would be lots of fun. And it was!
(this work in progress photo was taken by Tony. Thanks Tony! )
The body painting took a lil over four hours to complete. My model Caitlin Sparkle Jackson was very patient and sweet about it. I was very happy to be working with her one last time before she moved to Hawaii at the end of this month. She is one of the most fearless models I have had the pleasure of working with. (Our first shoot together was for my Earth Goddess body art series, where she ended up posing in nothing but my body paint, in the snow! That takes guts! Photos of that shoot can be seen here.)
Once the body painting was complete we began to shoot, using my art show inside Future Shock gallery as a background environment.
Here are some finished photos:
This one might be my favorite shot, despite the fact that it does not show off all of the body paint. I think I am especially loving this photo because she is completely surrounded by my big acrylic painting "The Last Mermaid" so it gives the sense that she IS one of my goddess creature ladies who has just stepped right out of one of my paintings.
It was not intentional, but I had a few people tell me that the body painting reminded them of Kali, the Hindu goddess of change. I could not agree more! Between the blueness of her face, Caitlin's dark curly hair, and her head dress( she said she bought it at Country Fair and that its a hand made piece by Neman's Commedia Mask) she really does resemble Kali in some ways. After looking at the photos I stopped on this shot, where, to the right of Caitlin is my own acrylic painting interruption of Kali which I call Goddess of Eternal Change. I love the synchronicity!
All in all, we had a blast and I am very happy with the colorful results. I hope you enjoy these photos also.
With Love,
-Chelsea Rose