See my newest acrylic painting:
"Signal Fire"
original acrylic painting
This piece was created to contribute to the local Sasquatch themed group show at Good: A Gallery. This unique collection of work will be up for the month of March so if you can manage it, go check it out! I had so much fun creating this painting. Check out my youtube video about the process creation and my inspiration sources.
The opening was last night, and I had a blast. The gallery was packed full of some really wonderfully created Big Foot tribute pieces by many of my favorite local Portland Oregon artists.
In the same show I was also super excited about showing off a collaborative piece I did with a local artist/mad scientist/friend:
Meet "Lady Big Foot" a collaborative art doll by myself and Doktor Creature. The general design is inspired by my "Signal Fire" big foot ladies in the painting above. The good Doktor did most of the work, including sculpting the face and felting the entire body. I painted the face sculpture and the drawer that he placed her within for display. I adore the way she came out and I can hardly wait to create more collaborative art dolls!
…and here we are together with our art doll, bringing the weird, with pride and joy!
In the same night was the Zodiac art show, which I had created four new pieces especially for:
original acrylic painting on masonite board
original acrylic painting on masonite board
original acrylic painting on masonite board
original acrylic painting on masonite board
And here I am with my friend Darci Silly.Weird.Things at last night's opening for the Zodiac show at Splendorporium Gallery. My "Leo" also titled "Bast, Keeper of the Meadow" is on the left, while Darci's "Capricorn" is to the right and in the middle a super lovely "Pieces" painting by an artist we both admire, Lisa Wilde.
As much as I have been inspired and driven by all the group theme art shows I have been participating in, I am looking forward to focusing more energy in the next month or two on painting series concepts I have been planning out in my sketch book for some time. So keep an eye on my IG and FB for updates on my new works in progress.
With love and light,
-Chelsea Rose