I can feel myself evolving as a Muralist with each new project and thus I certainly had a blast creating my most recent mural:

The above was commissioned by a local Portland Oregon patron of the arts who gave me complete creative control of a section of the bedroom in his new home.
It all started with a concept sketch:

Once the concept sketch was approved by the patron I began work on the wall:

I started by using a paint marker to rough out the concept sketch directly on the wall.
And then I started mapping out the color!

And then cleaning it all up with some fine details

All done!

What am I doing in this photo you ask? Why, I am being a tree lady too! Wasn't it obvious?
Is your bedroom next? Got a nursery or living room that could use some color? How about the chicken coop or the shed out back? Contact me if you are interested in talking about commissioning a mural!
Hope you enjoyed seeing my creative process in the creation of this project.
I have plenty of other things to show you soon, namely this past weekend I finished a custom commissioned body painting portrait session. Photos and details on that will be posted soon.
Much love,
-Chelsea Rose
I will be in SoCal come August, so if you are interested in commissioning a mural or body painting portrait session and you are out that ways, don't hesitate to set something up with me.