In August I took a trip to California to see family, friends and to get arty farty.I was able to document most of my art adventures and I would like to take a moment to share them with you!
I did a "Meet the Artist" pop up live painting event inside Mystic Journey Bookstore in my hometown, Venice Beach.
I just loved painting in their patio garden! It was a warm evening with a nice breeze, I was surrounded by big buddha statues and some of the biggest crystals I had ever seen. People trickled through and I had a wonderful time painting and talking to everyone.I did a "Meet the Artist" pop up live painting event inside Mystic Journey Bookstore in my hometown, Venice Beach.
I have not finished the painting yet but here are some progress photos taken during my live painting:
So yes….I am looking forward to finding some time to finish this one up. I will post an entry when its all done!
I had a couple tables set up full of artly goodness like small original paintings on wood, stretched canvas prints, button pins, stickers and more:
See something you have to have. See if you can nab it in my etsy shop.
The next art adventure took place in the Arts district of Downtown LA. I met up with my friend and fellow artist Jennifer Korsen at her studio and we proceeded to paint a super secret collaborative mural in the Alleyway:
work in progress photo
finished photo
My final art adventure took me to San Diego California to a place called Writerz Blok. Its a community art space with a huge lot full of walls covered tip to tail in spray paint that are open to any artists interested in leaving their mark.
And so I did...
Work in progress, laying down base colors
Fine tuning with highlights and shadow
Got the outlines in and now its all done!
So there is a glimpse into my arty shenanigans during my Cali trip.
Watch a video I made with footage from the trip on my You Tube Channel, Here.
I would love to do more traveling and paint/create/collab in new places with new friends because the experience was very inspiring!
More art updates soon. I have a huge amount of new creations to show you.
In the mean time, catch up with me on my Youtube channel, Periscope, Instagram and see what sort of art goodies are up for grabs in my Etsy shop.
Much love!
-Chelsea Rose