Last night someone bought my "Ocean Soul" painting off of our etsy shop!
8" X 16" original acrylic painting
by Chelsea Rose
...I created this painting along with this one at the same time:
Kind of a Water and Fire idea I suppose.
8"x16" Original acrylic painting
by Chelsea Rose
still available for purchase HERE
For me its totally inspiring when people buy my artwork-kinda lights a fire under my bum which is great because it makes me push myself a lil harder -meaning instead of sitting on my butt at home moaning about how tired i am, i get up and get right to work!
For instance, last night i got a lot of work done on a painting i started on last week:
...As you can see this pixie is bald and i am loving it. With this piece i decided to go with a very vague impressionist inspired background that hints at an environment with the way the color is layed( i hope!). Still have to work on it though. Also, i am trying to get better at taking the time to illustrate hands instead of finding ways to hide them- muahaha! Im realizing i can totally do hands, i just need to look at good reference photos in order to do it right. Nothing wrong with that.
....As you can see my art table is a complete mess at the moment. But i guess thats a good sign- it means that I am WORKING!
Check out these lil guys:
I did a bunch of these mini canvas pen and ink+ acrylic paintings for my solo show at T.Ruth art space. She sold quite a few of them, so these are the left overs. I took them home from the gallery the other day with the intent to photograph them and list them on etsy. I managed to do the shoot last night. Tonight i hope to edit and crop the images + create the listings on etsy. They will be priced at $15 each so if you are interested keep an eye on our shop! They will be popin up on there soon.
Some more good news!
I got an email yesterday from the art curator for InOtherWords feminist bookstore confirming that i will be having a solo show there come April, this year! Very exciting. It really strengthens my need to pump out as much artwork as possible in these winter months because come spring i hope to explode onto the art shows and art fairs!
.....So our plans for this weekend are:
Culture Control art opening show!
This Saturday Jan. 16th.
Danny has a bunch of his artwork up for this one. Cant wait to check it out and see the other work/artists. should be good.
then on Sunday i will be back at T.Ruth Artspace painting another model from head to toe and then photographing her. It makes for a super long day (9-5) but i love it and its totally worth it.
So thats whats up!
Peace n Love,
-Chelsea Rose
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