Queen Omega -
(Body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Deonte)
(Body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Deonte)
(Body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Deonte)
....And there is a lot more of these to come! In about an hour i shot about 400 photos- which has left me with a bunch to pick and choose from. it has taken me awhile to narrow the catch down to a chosen few but i am making progress.
I am looking forward to this weekend's shoot with a lovely elderly woman- she will add some mature beauty and wisdom to the project- widening the age range and body type spectrum. I know i have said it before... but its interesting to see the twists and turns this project has made. Its unfurled to be a lot grander then i had visioned and im interested to see where and how it grows next.
In other news, while i was out of town danny held the fort by himself and set up a small booth of our art wares at the Last Thursday Artwalk on Alberta st fair:
The fair was swelling with people and vendors hanging out in the bright sunlight- i am so sorry to have missed it! But there is always next month now that the rain is pretty much backed off a bit.
I also have one more special something to share. Danny released a new podcast of music he has been working on under the name Bone and All.
check out his newly released music here. Its pretty trippy/psychedelic stuff and i make my first debut in his music in the 4th track where he used clips he recorded of me reading a poem of mine!
So yes...do have a listen to.
...and so its Monday and i have to get to work, so i better get going!
Best wishes to all and have a blessed week.
-Chelsea Rose