I had submitted 4 main art pieces to be hung the day before and was pleasantly surprised to find the back lougue of Vino Vixens much changed and filled with art, music and lovely belly dancers for the opening.
Danny snapped these shots of me hanging out by where my art was hung. The mood of the joint was enjoyable especially with such amazing live music.
We had the pleasure of listing to an amazing band: Nuestro Nuestro
They had a wonderfully refreshing energy to them- just very genuine with their music making, the sounds quite obviously deeply inspired by the lead's Cuban heritage. Danny and i really enjoyed the live drumming that accompanied it all.
and with the enchantress belly dancers swirling about it made for a true dream scape setting.
...The wonderful woman, Eryka Ryn, who put this event together said she found most of the artists via The 5th Annual Portland Love show, which i had put in my Posy Nymph painting. Just goes to show its wonderful to be a part of these occasions- as if the experiences and life lessons learned were not enough you also make wonderful networking connections while finding new sources of inspiration.
...The art will be up for 2 months! So feel free to check it out in person.
here is a list of all the awesome artists and their respective web pages:
Chelsea Rose www.chelsearosearts.com/
Chris Haberman www.facebook.com/chris.haberman
Erika Ryn erikaryn.carbonmade.com/
Endymienne www.iamasite.com/
Holly Patton http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=22719&id=1017042059&op=6
John Payne www.jopaart.com/
Jon MacNair www.jonmacnair.com/
Liv Rainey Smith www.livraineysmith.com/
Lesley Burke www.lesleyaburke.com/
Treigh Love treighlove.carbonmade.com/
& Wynona www.etsy.com/shop/artbywinona
So thats about it. Today after work im going to run down to T.Ruth artspace gallery and watch it till it closes( i am still babysitting the shop till Tiffany starts feelin better.) Tomorrow i will be back in the gallery from 1:00pm-6pm. I will be working on some paintings, drinkin tea, listening to music and greeting all that enter the gallery. So if you are in the area please dont hesitate to come in and say hi and have a bit of a chat and some tea!
...other then that i hope for a mellow Sunday filled with lots of tea drinking( yes more tea!), patio time. I also want to go hiking( its been awhile with all of this rain!). We shall see what adventures the weekend turns up for us.
Much love and many blessings!
-Chelsea Rose
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