Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday musings, news and blog awards

First of all I would like to hip you guys to the fact that i was featured by Megan on her blog Studio M.M.E with a full artist interview! click to see my feature Here

Also, Megan presented me with a "Honest Scrap Award"

Here are the rules:

Share “10 Honest Things” about myself and present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.

My answers:

1. I believe in faeries.

2. I love to write poetry even though I rarely show anyone my writings anymore. I am currently attempting to write a fiction novel.

3. Sometimes I feel I am a 80+ year old woman trapped in a 22year olds body. When I am not at work( currently working as a part time Admin Assistant for a small IT management company in Oregon. Funny huh?) I tend to be a hermit, painting, drinking tea and hangin out with Danny and my cat all day + I am usually asleep before 10:00pm(unless there is something worth staying up to behold/partake) and cant ever seem to sleep in anymore past 7:00am

4. I can be a bit of an air head…I have a terrible memory. I swear I am already suffering symptoms of dementia!

5. I have always sketched and painted the same subject. My family laughs about how when I was a little girl I was already drawing nothing but big breasted mermaids.

6. I’m horribly terrible at math and spelling. In elementary school I was diagnosed with learning disabilities and was in a resource group for a year or two. I was late to learn to read and write, yet in high school I was the top of my class in English. I love creative writing. reading is one of my most prized leisure’s. but I will always loath math, no matter what.

7. I am a storyteller by nature and thus I tend to over exaggerate things at times.

8. worst fears: spiders, western medicine, roller coasters, and I really really cant stand gore. even if its cartoon gore.

9. I love tea, cheesecake and sushi. I would live off that stuff for the rest of my life if I could.

10. I am fascinated by all things paranormal. I feel this fascination may be ever present in my life based on some strange encounters that I had as a child and young adult.

Also, to follow up with my last blog and the question i asked: which of my recent drawings should i turn into a painting? The majority of people voted for my pen and ink drawing "posy nymph"

Posy Nymph

So i went ahead and began to paint her. This is what i have done so far:

creative process- Posy Nymph So here is where i painted the background. Once that was dry i took my lil art projector out and projected my pen and ink drawing onto the canvas. I traced the basic outlines and then went over the lines till they were crisp.

....Then i began to put my first layers of color:

Creative Process- posy nymph

It has been a busy few weeks so i have not been able to work on this piece as much as i would have liked to. So i am hoping for some time this weekend to do some more color layering. I will have danny help me out with pictures, hopefully! the mean time here are some random pictures i found that made me smile.

Sushi kitty

Me and my Sushi kitty cat. We dont have many pictures together so this is special.

.....also i found a great shot of our Jack O Lanterns we carved from last year:

Jack o Lanterns 08

....i do believe fall is my fave time of the year up here in Portland Oregon. The trees have begun to change colors and drop their leaves. in a few weeks my world will be busting full of october color. im looking forward to it very much.

.....till next time!

-Chelsea Rose


  1. I'd love to maybe see a photo of your setup when you project the image on your canvas for your next painting. I find that I can never get a good angle or height, and that once I get the image where I want it to be it's all blurry. It's annoying. Show me how you do it -- Do you happen to have a table which you can change height? Ha. Thanks.

  2. I certainly will take some photos during my next projection...or even a video.
    I dont have a table which i can change height. i usually just use my boyfriends drum set stool, put a thick heavy book ontop of the seat, place my drawing print out on the book then place the projector over the print and turn the projector on. I use a blank wall in my apartment to project on. Once i have the projection to a reasonable size and crispness i will put a thumb tack in the wall, hang my blank canvas. once the canvas is hung i will tweak the projector a bit more until i have it where i want it. and yes, this is super frustrating sometimes and at times will take a good while before i have it were i want it. patience and lots of deep breathing is needed for this exercise. haha.

  3. OK! i did a 30 sec. video that i will be posting soon of my art projection setup. its rinky dinky, be warned!
